
Stats of My Life(おいしい人生を味わうために、コツコツとチャレンジしたことを書くブログ)

「あらゆる領収書を経費で落とす! - 「金持ち社長」に学ぶ禁断の蓄財術」読みました。(2017年17冊目) "We drop down all receipts with expenses! - We have forbidden accumulation techniques learned from" Rich President "I have read. (17th year of 2017)





















"When entertainers start to sell, they make a company"
Why does the entertainer make a company, the biggest objective is to save taxes.


This book introduces possible tax duties by launching a company.


As impressions, it is said that even clothing, shelters and dwellers can be expensed, but I understood that the way of thinking of expenses is different between the president of SMEs and others.


I think that it is convenient to know when you set up a company.

Is the president of a small company pretty well done what is written in this book?



· Difference between company profit and individual business profit

· Why is second-handed Benz tax cut?

· Tax of salaried workers with annual salary of 10 million yen is less than 1/10

「WEB+DB PRESS Vol.89」読みました。(2017年16冊目)I read "WEB + DB PRESS Vol.89". (16th in 2017)










Win「Ctrl + option + I」
Mac「Command + Option + I」


◇Audits・・・ パフォーマンスやネットワーク利用に関して規定をチェックできる








・Collect JavaScript CPU Profile
・Take Heap SnapShot
・Record Heap Allocations



I wanted to use ChromeDevTool and read it.

As impressions, I think that catching up is the fastest thing to try using ChromeDevTool while making your own website.


■ How to start ChromeDevTool
Win "Ctrl + Option + I"
Mac "Command + Option + I"


■ Components and their overview
◇ Element · · · Check the HTML structure of the web page
◇ NetWork · · · Flow of network processing
◇ Sources · · · Loaded resources JS etc.
◇ TimeLine · · · You can check the details of the event inside the browser in chronological order
◇ Profiles · · · It is possible to analyze CPU execution time and memory use situation by JavaScript
◇ Resoutces · · · You can check stored data such as WebStorage and Cookie
◇ Audits · · · You can check the regulations regarding performance and network use
◇ Console · · · It is possible to display logs and execute arbitrary scripts on a running web page


What you can do with "Element"
· Rewrite element HTML directly
· Drag elements and copy & paste
· Renewing the CSS applied to the element
· Color Picker makes it easy to change color
· Adjusting easing Bezier curve with GUI
· XMLHttpRequest
· Clear log and filter


■ Three principles of "NetWork" processing optimization
· Reduce data transfer size as much as possible
· Reduce the number of data transfers as much as possible
· Reduce data transfer distance as much as possible


■ "NetWork" useful function
· Delete cache and cookies
· Invalidate the cache
· Export HAR
· Copy the request in cURL format
· Replay XMLHttpRequest


■ Profiles Overview
· Collect JavaScript CPU Profile
→ Analyze the time taken to execute JavaScript
· Take Heap SnapShot
→ Takes a snapshot of the heap area and checks for existing DOM nodes
Analyze the state of memory occupied by JavaScript objects
· Record Heap Allocations
→ The time taken when JavaScript objects are allocated to the heap area


「リーダブルコード ―より良いコードを書くためのシンプルで実践的なテクニック (Theory in practice)」読みました。(2017年15冊目)"Readable code - Simple practical technique for writing better code (Theory in practice)" I have read. (15th year of 2017)

リーダブルコード ―より良いコードを書くためのシンプルで実践的なテクニック (Theory in practice)

リーダブルコード ―より良いコードを書くためのシンプルで実践的なテクニック (Theory in practice)











第1章 理解しやすいコード


第2章 名称に情報を詰め込む


第3章 誤解されない名前


第4章 美しさ


第5章 コメントすべきことを知る


第6章 コメントは正確で簡潔に


第7章 制御フローを読みやすくする



第8章 巨大な式を分割する


第9章 変数と読みやすさ


第10章 無関係の下位問題を抽出する


第11章 一度に一つのことを


第12章 コードに思いを込める


第13章 短いコードを書く


第14章 テストと読みやすさ




Although it is a famous book among engineers, I have never read it properly

I tried reading it.


As impressions it was very easy to understand.
I should have read it earlier.


Incidentally, there is also a class of readable code on the school.
I think that understanding will deepen as you read it together.



Chapter 1: Easy to understand code

· The code must be written so that other people can understand in the shortest possible time


Chapter 2 Stuffing Information in a Name

· Choose clear words
· Avoid generic names
· Use concrete names rather than abstract names
· Add information using a suffix or prefix
· Decide the length of the name
· Tell information in format of name


Chapter 3 Misunderstanding Name

· Try to ask yourself a number of times that the name "will not be mistaken for other meanings?"


Chapter 4 Beauty

· Use a layout that is consistent with the pattern that the reader is accustomed to
· Similar code looks similar
· Block related codes together


Chapter 5 Knowing what to comment

· The purpose of the comment is to inform the reader of the intention of the writer


Chapter 6 Comments are accurate and concise

· Avoid synonyms such as "it" and "this" that may refer to multiple things
· Describe the intention of the code at a high level instead of the detail level


Chapter 7 Making Control Flow Readable

· The left side is an expression of "subject of investigation". Change
· The right side is the expression of "comparison target". It does not change

· Condition uses positive system rather than negative type
· Write simple conditions first.


Chapter 8 Split huge expressions

· Huge formula to split into easy-to-swallow size


Chapter 9 Variables and Readability

· If you do not add var to the variable definition in JavaScript, the variable gets global scope
It enters.


Chapter 10 Extracting irrelevant subordinate problems

· Separate generic code from project specific code


Chapter 11 One thing at a time

· Think about doing one task at a time


Chapter 12 Thinking about the code

· By explaining the program in simple terms, the code will become more natural


Chapter 13 Writing Short Code

· You have to keep the code light and light as small as possible.
· Create generic utility code and delete duplicate code
· Delete unused codes and unnecessary functions
· Make a project a subproject
· Conscious of the "weight" of the code. Keep light and agile


Chapter 14 Testing and Readability

· Provide a descriptive name for the test function to clarify what you are testing

「斎藤一人の成功している人の見た目の法則」読みました。(2017年14冊目)I read "The Law of Appearance of a Successful Person of Saito Kazuo". (14th year of 2017)

斎藤一人 成功している人の「見た目」の法則

斎藤一人 成功している人の「見た目」の法則



















Should it be expressed as "the entrance is the entrance of the person, the contents are the exit"?

I could understand that the entrance got better dramatically just by being a little careful.


There were several phrases that I think may be good to read a book.



· Fashion is what increases likes

· People with bad luck are dirty people


Especially I recently thought that I tried doing maintenance because I did not maintain it so much.


「現役東大生が1日を50円で売ってみたら」読みました。(2017年13冊目)"I tried selling one day at 50 yen for active students at Tokyo University" I read. (13th in 2017)























"I will sell my own for 50 yen and I will do anything."

And recruiting it on the internet, it says what the author saw by interacting with various people, felt.


I thought that it is okay to read, the feeling that the character of the author is a natural body or not is transmitted through sentences.


So, it is easy to sympathize content written and interacted with various people.

By touching people who do not usually come in contact with us, it is fun to discover unprecedented discoveries.


I guess I should try it too. But since it is not Tokyo University student, I can not imagine catchy phrases quite easily.


It seems that the author still continues, so if you are interested it might be possible to get contact.


Also, the author also opened a blog ↓

「面白い生き方をしたかったので仕方なくマンガを1000冊読んで考えた→そしたら人生観変わった」読みました。(2017年12冊目)"I wanted to do an interesting way of life so I had no choice but to read 1000 comic books → I thought about life" then I read it. (12th year of 2017)























服を着るならこんなふうに (1) (単行本コミックス)

服を着るならこんなふうに (1) (単行本コミックス)







It was content that understands how Mr. Horie influenced his thought and way of life from manga.


Of course, it is people who read manga and who likes which, but the point of view that Mr. Horie reads cartoons is what it says, rather than simply entertaining, the thought that "there is a place to learn? I will do.


I thought that I might be similar.


I think that it is a little regrettable because it is an introduction to manga, so I thought that it would be good if there were many illustrations.


Is there difficult copyright problem?


It was good that I could read the interesting cartoon that I have never read before reading this book. In particular I think I will read the following manga.


· Genius without glory

· If you wear clothes like this

· Master Keaton