
Stats of My Life(おいしい人生を味わうために、コツコツとチャレンジしたことを書くブログ)

「テクノロジー4.0「つながり」から生まれる新しいビジネスモデル」読みました(2017年35冊)Technology 4.0 I have read (35th in 2017)








第1章 テクノロジー4.0とは何か
第2章 FinTechで信用の概念が変わる




第3章 位置情報ビジネスが60兆円市場になる理由
第4章 IoTで生き残る企業、滅びゆく企業



Although this book is at the outline level, recent industry innovation has made the whole industry
What kind of change will you keep going? I was able to know.

I am working as an engineer, but as I read this book IT
It has the ability to have the ability to change the force chart in a moment
I could understand it again.

Chapter 1 What is technology 4.0
Chapter 2 Concept of credit changes with FinTech

The concept of currency finally becomes unnecessary

· Social lending
⇒ Analyze the level and performance of the university and provide student loans under conditions according to the ability

⇒ Indicating how many times the current stock price is this year's earnings, indicator how much the enterprise's value is seen in the market

Chapter 3 Reasons for Location Information Business Becoming a 60 Trillion yen Market
Chapter 4 Companies surviving in IoT, enterprises that perish