
Stats of My Life(おいしい人生を味わうために、コツコツとチャレンジしたことを書くブログ)

「マンガでわかる!マッキンゼー式リーダー論」読みました。(2017年40冊目)"I understand it with manga! McKinsey expression leader theory" I have read. (40th year of 2017)


マンガでわかる! マッキンゼー式 リーダー論

マンガでわかる! マッキンゼー式 リーダー論










































"What is good leadership?"


When I stand in the position of project management as a job, I often get to think of this word.


If you feel that something is stuffed up, you will catch a book for each one and read it.


Among them, this book is a book that notices important things quickly, and changes the behavior.


It is very easy to understand in manga format.


What I felt I needed to change my action as soon as I was reading is to make the most of the members around me.


There are times when you feel that it is faster for you to take individual tasks.


As a result, the priority of the task that I should do originally (materialization of the contents written in the leadership & updating the action plan and the whole schedule plan, resource adjustment, etc.) has declined without knowing I felt that the case has occurred recently.


I want to be careful.


This book is recommended.


【What is leadership? 】

① Your subordinates can show vision to the team

⇒ It is necessary to understand the roles that the department and team should play and the situation where the company is located and to draw out exciting paintings (vision)


② It can show concrete methods that can achieve its vision
⇒ It is necessary to speak with the hypothesis and conviction that the problem grasping / problem solving ability is high, it is expected to be able to do in the future by looking at the future


③ Clarify the role sharing which each member should do
⇒ It is necessary to grasp the strengths and challenges of each member and to lay out a configuration that seems to be optimal


④ Make each motivation and bring everyone's feeling together
⇒ You need to communicate with your subordinates and members with your heart and eliminate noise among members and work towards your goals


⑤ Even if it is a high goal I thought it would be impossible, to make it possible somehow
⇒ I will not give up even if it is an extremely difficult goal, I will not lose confidence, inspire the members, I need to be at the forefront and solve the problem

· Leader to progress conference + clerk

· Writing the remark content as it is

· Three important things in the conference
1. Clarify the purpose of the meeting
2. Prepare
3. Leader goes to conference and leads to conclusion

· Maximizing attention to how to make use of subordinates
· Listen to the last without obstructing the other's story