
Stats of My Life(おいしい人生を味わうために、コツコツとチャレンジしたことを書くブログ)

英語学習_NativeCamp_Log(12/13-12/19:1回 2020年117回 通算:298回)











There are two reasons.
First, sustainable industries are necessary in order to export products. For example, if a country does not have any products to export, it is a missed opportunity as many countries rely on exports to generate the revenue needed for a strong economy.

Second, having a sustainable industry can create many jobs. For example, without a sustainable industry, a town’s economy can become very weak, so people might leave to find work in a bigger city, leading to an even less attractive economy.

No, I don't think borders will be removed between countries in the future.



There are two reasons.
First, countries have rules regarding who can enter and exit the country. For example, countries usually need to monitor the entry and exit of people, and this is usually done at borders and other entry points such as airports or seaports.

Second, countries want to keep control of their resources. For example, countries that have rich natural resources such as oil have to maintain borders for security purposes.