
Stats of My Life(おいしい人生を味わうために、コツコツとチャレンジしたことを書くブログ)

「お金のことで後悔しない暮らし方」読みました。(2017年8冊目)I read "How to live with no regrets about money". (8th year of 2017)





















In the past, the author tends to wastefully borrowing debts

We will show you how to reduce waste and eliminate waste.


· Do not raise your level of living
· Cards leave only the stamen
¥ 5,000 per week for pocket money to husband
· Household account books are managed collectively
... etc


Some things are natural, some things to be helpful, but There was a place where I felt somewhere lonely.


For example, as one method for not increasing expenses,

"I will stop increasing the number of my friends"
What would you say if you read what it wrote?


If it stops dating, spending will decrease


After all I feel lonely.


Of course, there were parts that I could sympathize with
"Being a healthy body will save you more than anything else"

I think that this is a word.


I have not been able to put together well, but those who want more savings are recommended because it is written to be helpful.


「シンプルに考える」読みました。(2017年7冊目)I read "Think simple". (7th year of 2017)





























❑ impressions


I often read it when I look back at my work, because it makes me realize that my work is not going in any way.

For example,

· Have you not wasted a meeting?
· Is not it the purpose of work to read the air in the workplace?
· Is not it somewhere annoying?
· Is not it a job to share information?
(Are you not doing productive activities?)
· Is the place where you are now able to feel growth? Or do you?
... etc


The most important thing to tell in this book

The essence of a company is "to keep making hit products". I think this is one point.


To practice this, people with passion and ability to respond to the needs of users regardless of age, employment history, and position, take the initiative. And strategy is also focused on keeping out a product of simple, high quality products earlier than anywhere else.


At first glance, that's right! It is content that I think is going to practice from tomorrow,
I think that it is a fact that it is quite unchanged unless we are working on the whole company as well as personal awareness reform.


If you really want to change, you need strong leadership.


I think that there is no restriction that this book is a venture because it is especially IT industry.
The contents which can be referred to by any company is written.


Considering the exception "But my company is different!
I think that he "is deciding that he can not do it".


I think that it is a wonderful book that gives me a chance to think about what I am doing for purpose or what I will do in the future while reading this book.


· As the proportion of people with wrong purpose increases, corporate culture begins to change
· Place yourself in a place where you can always experience growth
· You know the "happiness" when you get results
· Live by your own sensibility
· Reading the air in the workplace is the purpose of work
· There are many meetings as a bad company


「新装版 達人プログラマー 職人から名匠への道」読みました。(2017年6冊目)I read "The road from master programmers talented programmer craftsmen to masterpieces". (6th year of 2017)


新装版 達人プログラマー 職人から名匠への道

新装版 達人プログラマー 職人から名匠への道



















第一章 達人の哲学
第二章 達人のアプローチ

第三章 基本的なツール
第四章 妄想の達人

第五章 柳に雪折れなし
第六章 コーディング段階

 ・直交していない設計 より直交性の高いコードや設計ができる場合


第七章 プロジェクトを始める前に

第八章 達人のプロジェクト
 ・割れた窓をなくす 品質はチーム全体の問題



This book is a well-elected book recommended by engineers.


Some companies recommend recruitment at new graduates, and those who do not read this book from acquaintances
Some even said it was not an engineer.


I am the one I have not read until now. . . (sweat)


He says that the content of this book seems to be the "way of thinking" necessary for product development. If he does not understand this book, it seems that it will interfere with product development such as coding and test design at the time of team development.


Three things that I thought that I should take special care when reading this book are as follows.


· Low consciousness of redundancy and orthogonality, and it was on the source that it allowed it
· There was a place that did not fully understand when coding
(There are many APIs in particular)
· Things that I did not try to master the shell
(There was me who thought that it was good in GUI.)


As a matter of course, people from engineers are encouraged to read
You may want to talk about the contents of this book as a confirmation point whether it is a good engineer even if you are not an engineer.



Chapter 1 Philosophy of Guru
· Do not leave cracked windows
· To clarify quality requirements
· Portfolio of knowledge
· Invest regularly
· Diversification
· Risk management
· Buy cheap, sell higher
· Review and redistribution
Learn at least one language each year
Thinking that the way to tell the message is the wheel of the car
Chapter 2 Master's Approach
· DRY ⇒ Keep it easy to reuse
· Orthogonality · · · Elimination of influence between non-related items
· Minimize the coupling degree of code
· Avoid global data
· Model the system
· Split the model into components
· Giving values ​​to each parameter
· Calculate answer

Chapter 3 Basic Tools
· Make use of the shell. GUI can not do more than GUI
Chapter IV Masters of Delusions
· If all pre-conditions in an existing routine are satisfied by the caller, that routine guarantees all postconditions and all invariant assertions upon completion of work

Chapter 5 Snow Falls in Yanagi
· Minimize module coupling degree
· To improve parallelism, analyze workflow
Chapter 6 Coding Stage
· Do not code with blindfolds. Creating an application that you do not fully understand is ×
· Assuming things in trust
· Speed ​​of the algorithm (estimate the order)
· Verification of the estimate

❏ When should refactoring be done?
· When duplexing
· When it is possible to design codes and designs with higher orthogonality than designs not orthogonal
· Obsolete knowledge

❏ Precautions for Test Design
· Before thinking about correcting errors, the idea of ​​avoiding the occurrence of errors is important
If you create a test before starting code implementation, you can also test the interface

Chapter 7 Before You Start the Project
· To work from the user's point of view, work with users

Chapter 8 Project of Guru
· Quality to eliminate cracked windows is a problem of the whole team
· It will not become a simmer of a frog (Do not forget your precautions)
· Transfer properly
· DRY principle
· Orthogonality
· Team organization by function rather than job function
· Know when to stop painting production
· Test early, test many times, test automatically
In the case of
❏ What to test?
· Unit test
·Combined test
· Validation and verification
· Resource Consumption, Error, Recovery
· Disk capacity
· Processing capacity of CPU
· Actual processing time
Disk processing capacity
· Network bandwidth
· Color palette
Display resolution
· Performance test
· Usability test

「人もお金も引き寄せる 伝え方の魔法」読みました。(2017年5冊目) "The magic of how to attract and attract people and money" was read. (5th year of 2017)


人もお金も引き寄せる 伝え方の魔法

人もお金も引き寄せる 伝え方の魔法

























I can hardly remember when I learned "communication art" at school.


As I read this book, I think communication is important as I think that there are subjects for studying communication skills at school since I was a child.


I am proud that communication has improved considerably compared with my old self, as I have been pointed out by business superiors from around us or having read these books of kind carefully.


Although it is also written in this book, many of the people with poor communication tend to tell the story centering on "myself".


It was the same with my old self.


As a result of having talked about only about myself, what is the other's asking for? I could not grasp it well and the contents to be talked about with MTG did not progress at all. . .


It was a bitter experience but I think it was a good opportunity to grow if I think now.


Before talking with your opponent, you must always keep an antenna on "what other people think". When it gets better, you can understand even if you do not say "I want you to do such a reaction" from the other party, and you can react appropriately.


Reading this book changes the words that we are unconsciously speaking each day, just changing your mind will change the effect considerably.


For a while until you make it a habit, it is important to check the method written in this book as a checklist and make sure you can use it thoroughly

❏ Do you feel special when you do something?
❏ Are you listening to the topics of the other's hobbies?
❏ Do not talk about yourself
Example: Eating a delicious dish at a shop and telling that to a clerk
× "It was very delicious" (myself)
○ "Thank you for making great food" (About the partner)
❏ Many people say "myself" over themselves. Identify the feelings of the opponent
· ① impossible ask once to raise the hurdle
· ② Impossible asking first for the opponent
❏ Tell a story instead of a number
❏ Prioritize relationships over relationships
❏ Let the other party tell the answer (dare not tell the core part)
❏ Ask questions such that the other party can not say No
❏ Do not let the brains get bored with the "Q & A Law"
❏ Write a sentence with a feeling of familiarity at the beginning of each day



人もお金も引き寄せる 伝え方の魔法

人もお金も引き寄せる 伝え方の魔法




「気力より体力 一流のコンディションを手に入れる」読みました。(2017年4冊目) I got "I got top-notch physical condition better than my strength" and I read it. (4th in 2017)


気力より体力 一流のコンディションを手に入れる

気力より体力 一流のコンディションを手に入れる
















































I had it on the bookshelf of the company, so I borrowed it and read it.


As an impression, I was surprised even myself, but the author's The idea that "If you do not raise physical strength, energy and intellect do not rise"
Many things that are exactly the same with me and that are similar to what I practice.


How many people manage the body properly?


It is a view of my narrow friend relationship, but among the people I have met so far
I think that "10%" does not exist for people who are managing and doing it.


Conversely speaking, the workers were able to get out of the work well.


In my 20s, my boss drinking party late at night (until morning), more than 13 hours a day (often staying at a company)There was a person who could do a great job.


However, I feel that the members below the boss often got tired of getting tired in the long run.
(Still I think that it was those who worked hard because I was a young member)


Also, looking back on the myself at that time, it seems that the productivity of the work was bad simply by "being in the company for a long time"

I was not able to notice.
(It may seem like I was making a contribution by staying in a company for a long time.)


Now, thanks to having experienced with the superiors who are doing their physical condition management properly and producing results
Exercise, diet, sleep is a custom of the following behaviors.


· Futsal at the weekend
·Muscle training

· Bento (snack) in the daytime
· If you go for a drink, you will participate only until the first meeting
· Alcohol is a basic weekend

· Weekday also goes to bed by 23 o'clock
· Saturday and Sunday as well as weekdays go to bed at 23 o'clock


Originally, because I thought that I did not want to lower the productivity of work on weekdays because I felt sick,

I think that it has been possible to lower the probability of causing poor physical condition for a while.


Also recently not only for "for work" but "I want to play at weekends with full power"
Every day, I have come to think that I want to get thorough and well prepared for my physical condition.


Since I was a human being who used to say commonplace in the past, I thought how to enrich my private less
I did not have it.


However, it is very important to clearly switch between ON (work) and OFF (private)


As we can have this way of thinking,

For example

In the past, at the weekend some people brought home computers for the company and returned an e-mail even though the degree of urgency was not high.


From a worker's point of view, it may be said that "I am doing my best at work."
But now I'm changing from negative to negative thinking "Why do not you do it on week days?"


Sometimes, you may work for a long time in the game,
If not, I think that it is good to have a way of thinking "I will improve my work because my private is full".

"Protect your own body yourself"

Ultimately, I think that deciding whether to manage the body depends on whether I have this strong intention or not.


気力より体力 一流のコンディションを手に入れる

気力より体力 一流のコンディションを手に入れる



「KURASHIRU」でオムライスを作ってみた(2017年料理1回目) I made an omelet with "KURASHIRU" (1st cooking in 2017)



















This year I thought that I will make cooking even on weekends,Since I was looking for a cooking app, the cooking app called "KURASHIRU" was very good. So,I'll write on my blog. 


If you are a famous cuisine application you want to see the top 3 recipes of the rankings
I was shocked by the regrettable specification that I can not see it, and I got it is "KURASHIRU".


The thing which I thought that "KURASHIRU" is good is the following three points


· The video is edited within 1 minute
· There is no losing because KURASHIRU specialized chefs are posting videos
· Provide cuisine tailored to various needs (dishes using a child, a single person, a refrigerator)


It feels more popular if you can share videos with Twitter, Instagram, FaceBook.

My first omelet rice was not good-looking, but haha, I think that it will be better from now on.


I think that it is important to keep going.


こんな街に家を買ってはいけない(著:牧野 知弘)(2017年3冊目) Do not buy a house in such a city


こんな街に「家」を買ってはいけない (角川新書)

こんな街に「家」を買ってはいけない (角川新書)





























Since I am planning to move out before my child grows up,
I am interested and read it.


As a comment that I read, before renting or purchasing a house or condominium
While questioning information that seems to be good in the world, I thought again that it is necessary to study properly from experts, books, and so on.


For example, "Musashi Kosugi" recently ranked in the city which I want to live in the news is built of high-rise tower apartments one after another at the site of NEC's factory.


As cited in this book, the author says,

"Everywhere you go anyway, people are just crowded at the station at the time of commuting in the morning."

It is said that.


I also went to Musashi Kosugi when I played with my friends but there certainly was many people, I thought that it is lively and popular.


However, it seems that various facilities such as hospitals, nursery schools, schools, etc. are not yet in place.


It is desirable to be able to pass without stress as much as possible during commuting.

It is cited in this book, but I think that this is what the author wishes to convey.

「The land where humans live is actually made up of a long history.
People search for the safest and safest land in the face of many disasters and war damage,
As a result, it has reached as a result, it is a land with high publicity even now.

With temporary popularity alone, there is no land that will increase in value over the future.」


Rather than paying attention only to homes and condominiums, it is necessary to decide where to live by thinking comprehensively about the history, culture, facilities, population migration & transfer rates, access, etc. of the whole area.


It was a great learning experience.


<Table of Contents>
1. The day the residential area collapses
2. A troublesome new town with 2000 in the whole country
3. People screaming to maintain detached houses
4. What are the conditions of residential areas where popularity continues to rise
5. When inheritance becomes "negative inheritance"
6. Is there a potential for detached houses
7. Escape method from detached houses
8. How to buy a house wisely
9. When changing the way of thinking about real estate

It is recommended for everyone who is thinking about moving.



こんな街に「家」を買ってはいけない (角川新書)

こんな街に「家」を買ってはいけない (角川新書)