- 作者: ハワードシュルツ,ドリー・ジョーンズヤング,Howard Schultz,Dori Jones Yang,小幡照雄,大川修二
- 出版社/メーカー: 日経BP社
- 発売日: 1998/04/23
- メディア: 単行本
- 購入: 12人 クリック: 187回
- この商品を含むブログ (57件) を見る
While I read the book of management until now, I received impression most and it was a very heart-warming content.
Why is that? Considering it,
Aside from the author 's honesty of Howard Schulz being transmitted all over the place,
Not only did Starbucks sell mere coffee, it was realized that it was seriously aiming to convey the real taste of coffee and to make a third place of rest, not at work or at home.
Also I felt a lot like being written in redhead that I was facing difficulties such as frustration and failing to achieve results suffering.
In retail stores and restaurants, everything depends on what customers experience.
Just giving a bad impression once, you will lose that customer forever.
In the hands of 20-year old students and actor applicants who work as part-time workers,
If the company's fate is entrusted, they can not be treated like consumables.
Howard Schulz said that giving insurance to all people working for a certain period of time is a famous story.
If prejudice American companies became unusable, there was an image of immediate dismissal, but Starbucks seems to be different.
(If possible, I'd like to ask people working in the USA to actually hear the voice of the site ...)
I was reading while imagining if I had to build up a company,
I felt it necessary to read (book) this three books after reading this book.
· Continue aiming at genuine-oriented (providing the highest quality to customers)
· Recommending to challenge difficult things
· Building strong relationships of trust with employees
And, after all, I thought passion that I strongly wish for customers to enjoy authentic coffee like customers like Howard · Schulz is the most important thing.
I thought that this was not only given by people but a place I had to find by myself.
<Note (Howard · Schulz Quotations)>
· Step by step, we will accumulate more achievements than we promised.
In the long run, it is the only secret to succeed.
There is no doubt that I was fortunate. But my success is both skill and fortune, it is also the result of perseverance and effort.
· I worked ambitiously on anything. I was responsible for myself and I tried to learn from any person. I never miss opportunities, steadily stepped up the path to success one step at a time.
· It is not always guaranteed success.
I have to learn something every day. I think that I should not be elegant
· If you do not want to be a miserable loser, try challenging adversity,
We have to overcome the worst fate of mediocre life.
· If you obey the pessimistic human beings, you can not do anything.
If you are only doing things safe in a safe area, you will not be able to do much.
· Because the feeling of conviction of victory was too strong, the smaller the expectations of the people around us, the more pleased I thought it could be said.
· From so many people, if your idea is told that it is not worth the investment,
I want you to imagine how much feeling will fall. Still I did not think that my plan would be stalled. Although I am struggling to collect funds over a year, I made a presentation to 242 people and refused to 217 people.
· Any experience is nothing but preparation for the next experience. I just can not predict what the next experience is like.
· Fortune is nothing to miss opportunities and to be responsible for your own future.
· To keep others invisible, to keep track of their dreams no matter who they say.
· There is no doubt that bad luck will arise from giving up, but lucky will grasp those who aim for it.
· When I was in a position I could do anything I swore to my heart that I would never abandon people. We are not doing business to sell coffee. I think that I want to please people and treat coffee as a means to do it.
· We are not working to fill hunger. It is working to fill the soul.
· As soon as employees become distrustful of management, the future of the company will be compromised.
· The most important thing in doing work everyday is to enlighten the values of the company to other employees, especially newcomers. Regardless of the size of the company, success is unlikely unless a proper internal culture is established.
· When you organize a company, you can quickly see that you can not do anything by yourself.
If we can trust cooperators from the bottom of our heart, if we have the ability to differentiate ourselves and have the same values, we can build a stronger company. We should never lighten the question of what kind of signals are signaled in the company's early stage and what values we should plant.
· When working with partners or employing employees, it is necessary to choose people with the same passion, motivation and goals as you.
Value Reliable Passion Employment Goal Employee Organization
· If you know what you want to do, find a person with the experience of doing the same thing.
· Adverse circumstances will inspire human beings. I have often told that such a plan can not be carried out. No matter how much I denied, I did not change my belief that I could do it.
The feeling of convincing victory was too strong, so the smaller the expectations of the people around us, the more pleased I thought it could be said.
· My father died of lung cancer in January 1988, but none had been sad like this.
My father neither had savings nor pensions. My biggest sore thrust was that my father could not live or be proud of his work.
In my childhood days, I never dreamed I would become a manager of the company someday.
However, when I was in a position where I could do something, I firmly pledged to not do things like abandoning people.
- 作者: ハワードシュルツ,ドリー・ジョーンズヤング,Howard Schultz,Dori Jones Yang,小幡照雄,大川修二
- 出版社/メーカー: 日経BP社
- 発売日: 1998/04/23
- メディア: 単行本
- 購入: 12人 クリック: 187回
- この商品を含むブログ (57件) を見る