
Stats of My Life(おいしい人生を味わうために、コツコツとチャレンジしたことを書くブログ)

2023年買って良かったもの10選(本以外) with ChatGPT4







1.ノンアルコールビール ヴェリタスブロイ


2.ムーンスター エイトテンス] スニーカー 810s / ET001 KITCHE 〔キッチェ〕 スリップオン


[ムーンスター] ユニセックス 810s エイトテンス ET001 KITCHE スニーカー[ET001]27.0cm WHITE


3.ドッキングステーション USB C ハブ


4.サンワサプライ 電源タップ 10個口・2P (2m) 




5.LST LIFE 昇降式デスク



6.desikaky ウォールポケット




7.カフェカルディ ウォータードリップコーヒー




8.ロジクール SIGNATURE K855BG ワイヤレスキーボード






10.TORRAS iPhone 12/12 Pro用ケース



Certainly! Here are the descriptions in English for your blog post, highlighting the appeal of each product:

1.Non-Alcoholic Beer VeritasBroy
"The best non-alcoholic beer I've tried recently is VeritasBroy. It has the taste of real beer, which is perfect for me as I'm cutting down on alcohol. This beer allows me to enjoy my relaxation time while being health-conscious."

2.Moonstar Sneakers
"Moonstar sneakers are the perfect combination of comfort and style. Their simple and elegant design goes well with any outfit, and they are incredibly comfortable for walking. They make my daily outings more enjoyable."

3.Docking Station USB C Hub
"This docking station is a blend of multifunctionality and convenience. Being able to connect multiple devices simultaneously has decluttered my workspace and significantly improved my work efficiency."

4.Sanwa Supply Power Strip
"The Sanwa Supply power strip can connect many devices at once, which is a major attraction. Its strong magnetic attachment makes it easy to organize my desk area."

5.LST LIFE Height Adjustable Desk
"This height-adjustable desk has revolutionized my home office. It’s easy to adjust the height, and working while standing has enabled a healthier work style."

6.Desikaky Wall Pocket
"This wall pocket is extremely handy for organizing small items. It’s stylish and has helped me use my room's storage space more efficiently."

7.Café Kaldi Water Drip Coffee
"This product is essential for coffee enthusiasts who want to enjoy authentic iced coffee at home. It offers a rich aroma and deep flavor."

8.Logitech SIGNATURE K855BG Wireless Keyboard
"This Logitech keyboard offers comfortable typing and a sleek design. Being wireless, it keeps my desk tidy and improves my work efficiency."

9.Outdoor Folding Chair
"This folding chair is perfect for outdoor activities. It’s lightweight, easy to carry, and comfortable to sit in. It has made camping and hiking even more enjoyable."

10.TORRAS iPhone 12/12 Pro Case
"The TORRAS iPhone case is thin yet offers solid protection. It has a luxurious matte texture that is fingerprint-resistant, which is a great feature."

These descriptions articulate the unique features and personal experiences with each product, aiming to appeal attractively to the readers of your blog.