
Stats of My Life(おいしい人生を味わうために、コツコツとチャレンジしたことを書くブログ)

「ザ・シークレット 人生を変えた人たち」読みました。(2018年2冊目)


ザ・シークレット 人生を変えた人たち

ザ・シークレット 人生を変えた人たち











The Secret - ホーム | Facebook


❏English Version


It is a self-development book. Some of the items described in the memo may be practiced, others may not be practiced yet.


There are many ToDos, but I think that the following red part is the summary.



· Request, believe, receive - What you need to create what you want is just 3 steps.
| _ Once you ask, let's understand that what you want is already yours.
| _ Believe in the next step of the creation process. Behavior, talk, think so, as if you already received what you want.
| _ To believe, I think, talk, and act like you have what you want now.
| _ It is not something you should care about that the universe delivers what you want to you
· Let's ignore all consciousness towards thinking that makes you happy and thinking that makes you feel bad
· Focusing on shortage can not attract what you desire to life. Let's focus on richness to attract more money.
· Let's change thinking to the idea that there is enough money from the idea that money is insufficient
· Let's imagine how you spend money on what you want. And let's say this. "I can buy it"
· Let's download the check of the space bank
· By changing viewpoint for that person, you can change what is called a negative relationship.
· What you feel about your opponent comes back to you.
· If you can imagine and feel that it gets better, it will be realized.
· If you are aware of what you really want, and if you ask, you have the power to draw the ideal work inside you.
· Visualize your salary details and imagine the specific amount you want
· If you do something you love, money comes with it.
· You can be anything and you can do anything.
· If you think negative about yourself, you are negative
It will attract the environment
· Let's live in you first of all as you wish. It will be in the real world
It appears.
· Everything happens for you even if something does not appear as you want.
· It is not too late to change something or everything.
Change your mindset and change how you feel