
Stats of My Life(おいしい人生を味わうために、コツコツとチャレンジしたことを書くブログ)

英語学習_NativeCamp_Log(7/5-7/11:4回 2020年64回 通算:245回)





I just had a meeting with the branch managers, and they all really liked the look of the print ads and posters.

ads and が早すぎて聞き取れなかったです。 


I'm glad to hear that. I revised my original idea for the design so many times over the past month.



I felt we could attract more customers by focusing on the fun of shopping and bargain hunting,

attract more customersが聞き慣れない単語郡でした。 


As a matter of fact, we were so impressed that we decided to launch a new campaign to promote our clothing for men as well.

our が語調が弱いのか私の頭の中からスルーします。


Sure. I've sent books back to you before, so I'm familiar with your return procedure.

Great. In that case, I just need the original purchase order number from you.

sent books back to you が聞き取れなかったです。


Once I have that, I'll issue a request to mail the new edition right away.

I'll issueが聞き慣れない単語郡えした。


I like the colors and layout of this kitchenware logo.

colors and が速かったです。


It'll look good on packaging, advertising materials and the items themselves.


look good on が聞き慣れない単語郡でした。 


I ordered 40 copies of the new edition last week.



The shipment arrived this morning, but it was the old edition, and we really need the new one.

勝手にarrived to と言ってしまった。バイアスかな。 


