
Stats of My Life(おいしい人生を味わうために、コツコツとチャレンジしたことを書くブログ)

君主論(著者:マキアヴェッリ 2021年63冊目) #歴史 #本





























I think the value of this book is evidenced by the fact that it is still being read all over the world, even after more than 500 years.


When I read this book, I wanted to understand the context, so I read it seriously with a correct attitude.


There are many sites and videos that explain The Prince, but I think it's even more interesting to read this book based on the context and historical background, rather than just knowing the cut-out quotes.


Machiavelli's The Prince has a wide range of topics, including how to be a monarch, political form, how to hold an army, and how to gain faith.


The following are the ones that I found particularly interesting.


Let's go back to being afraid and longing and make a conclusion. That is, because people long for only what they want and fear only for what the prince wants, a hard-working prince stands on what belongs to himself and depends on what belongs to others. Do not stand up. However, as already mentioned, we must try to escape only hatred.


I understood that I shouldn't be too fond of others and be too close to others.

Also, it is natural to be careful not to buy hatred from the other party.


When Machiavelli was writing The Prince, he was farming during the day and writing at night.


It seems that this book has a meaning like a employment treatise, but when I read it while imagining what kind of memory he was writing, I found the Prince's theory even more interesting.


I still don't understand the background of the times, and I'm not sure if Machiavelli is able to properly chew what he wants to convey.


I would like to read it as many times as I want, taking time.