
Stats of My Life(おいしい人生を味わうために、コツコツとチャレンジしたことを書くブログ)


コミックだからわかる! 相手の本音を見抜く仕事の心理術

コミックだからわかる! 相手の本音を見抜く仕事の心理術

















1話 初対面の人と話しを盛り上げて「いい人」と思われるには?



2話 会話を通して自分に「深み」を感じさせるには?



3話 相手の情報を自然に引き出すには?






4話 相手の決断を引き出す最後の一押しをするには?



5話 お客からリピートを引き出すには?



6話 値切らずに納得させるには?



7話 気が弱くて断るのが苦手。上手にNoを言うには



8話 職場で味方を増やしていくためには?



9話 生理的にどうしても受け付けない人がいるのだけどどうすれば?







10話 異性の部下・お客から狙った行動を引き出すには







Readability for young people? Because there were many descriptive texts of things thought into manga format considering, I felt that the book was easier to read.


Mentorism was the impression of psychology to make it move as convenient for me.


But, author's
"Look closely at your opponent and strive to read the mind that" I'm thinking like this, "" I want you to say this, "and the other party draws out actions with easy-to-move words. "


In my opinion, I understood that one means to facilitate communication between the partner and me is mentorism.


The most impact in this book is brain science that "the brain does not get tired".
On the contrary it seems that those who are drowning tired.


So, I thought the author would continue to stimulate the brain by reading a large number of books.



1 episode Encourage talks with people who first met face to face "good people"?

· Power · Pose
· Imitate the gesture of a superior person who is around, a person who looks full with confidence


2 story How do you make yourself feel "deep" through conversation?

What seems to be a "strange person" in a good sense


3 talks How can I take out the other party's information naturally?

· People who are good at listening to being good at talking
· Back tracking

· The topic that does not slip the most for people in front of you is asking "About that person"

· Regular relationships

Trust the other party ⇒ Make important talk

· Eliminate cognitive dissonance
I will make an important story ⇒ I think I trust the other person (is good)

4 talks How to make the last push to bring out the opponent's decision?

· Advantages of self determination
· Things that I think decide oneself is a good thing


5 stories How to draw repeat from customers?



To convince without talking about 6 talks?

There are two major factors that human beings take action, that is, decisions
1. Proper motivation
2. Stuck in a situation


7 I am weak in feeling weak and refusing to refuse. To say No well well



Episode 8 How to increase ally at work?

· Offer your own good knowledge and skills to your colleagues
When asked by the other person to do something, as a result, it is easy for him to think like he's surprisingly good in that place


Episode 9 There are people who will not accept physiologically by all means what should I do?

· Actually, it is similar to me. In other words, the unpleasant part that I do not want to be most pointed out can be seen through that person

· Just finding a way to get along with circumstances will only be redone from the beginning as the situation changes.

· Reset if human relations change due to change etc even if we arrive at a disgusting person and how to do it well

⇒ How can I get to work with just my favorite people?
Thinking about how to deepen people and more, on the next stage

· Simple contact effect
· Tit fort
⇒ It is easy to embrace likability for those taking similar actions


10 story Heterosexual men · To bring out actions aimed at by customers

The brain does not get tired. Just get bored.

Conversely, when you are drowning, you consume 20 times more energy than when concentrating