
Stats of My Life(おいしい人生を味わうために、コツコツとチャレンジしたことを書くブログ)

本当の幸福、本当の豊かさというものは経済指標のスコープでは見いだせない:「30代からの幸福の経済学ー「わがまま」で豊かな生き方」( 作者:波頭亮 2023年47冊目) #波頭亮









アメリカ: 25.3兆ドル
中国: 19.9兆ドル
日本: 5.1兆ドル
ドイツ: 4.2兆ドル
インド: 2.9兆ドル
フランス: 2.9兆ドル
イギリス: 2.8兆ドル
イタリア: 2.1兆ドル
カナダ: 1.8兆ドル



日本: 1,713時間
ドイツ: 1,364時間










h: happiness(幸福)
d: desire(欲望)
m: money(お金)
t: time(時間)
o: options(選択肢)
c: circumstances(環境)























































<English Version>


It's been more than 20 years since the book was published, but the content hasn't faded at all, and I want the young people of today to read it.


It was a very good book because my own answer to the theory of happiness could be made clearer by what the author said.


■ Limitations of the GDP Expansion System


With most of us functioning as cogs in a GDP expansion system, it is becoming increasingly important for individuals to define their own definitions of happiness.


Japan's current GDP ranking is currently 3rd.

USA: $25.3 trillion
China: $19.9 trillion
Japan: $5.1 trillion
Germany: $4.2 trillion
India: $2.9 trillion
France: $2.9 trillion
UK: $2.8 trillion
Italy: $2.1 trillion
Canada: $1.8 trillion

However, Germany has a gap of about 400 hours in terms of annual working hours.


Japan: 1,713 hours
Germany: 1,364 hours


In the 1980s, the German automaker Volkswagen had a memorable case where management demanded a salary increase and employees refused to increase their own salaries.


As for this mechanism, as the number of automobiles produced increased, employees were requested to operate more, but the background was that employees valued time with family and vacations more than salary. .


■ Happiness formula

It was very interesting that the author wanted to express happiness in the following formula.


F(h) = f1(d) + f2(m,t) + f3(o) + c

h: happiness
d: desire
m: money
t: time
o: options
c: circumstances


The environment includes geopolitical factors such as the living environment and current Japan. No matter how much money or time you have, you can't enjoy happiness in a state of war, to say the extreme.


On the other hand, lack of time and money means that there is no feasibility to do what you want to do. Most of the time in Japan is all about making money and running out of time.


In the old days, having durable consumer goods was a kind of status, but in an era where we can satisfy a certain amount of material enjoyment, the standard of whether or not we need something as an individual becomes very important.


The vast majority of people are shaping their lifestyles and lifestyles so that they can contribute extremely efficiently to the expansion of GDP in terms of how they enjoy their leisure time and how they purchase and consume goods.


It's getting harder to define happiness now because we have more choices.


■ Original economic activity

The mechanism of GDP was explained in an easy-to-understand manner and was very helpful.


Economy is a system of actions that satisfy human desires.


Someone wants something, someone else produces or procure it, and gives it to someone who wants it.


Economics is wisdom and ingenuity to increase the degree of satisfaction that can be obtained by this economic activity.

GDP is an economic indicator that shows the sum of goods and services produced in the world to satisfy people's desires.


There is downward fiscal rigidity, which is characterized by the tendency for expenditures to increase, but not to decrease.


There are two types of economics: growth theory and distribution theory.

The banking industry was barred from striving freely, in exchange for being heavily guarded.

The result has been a loss of competitiveness.


A failure of democracy
There was a commentary on why vested interests spread.


As a result of individuals voting to protect their own interests, we arrived at the composition of preserving the interests of groups that have vested interests.


A distorted theory of distribution will stop the function of promoting the metabolism of the economic structure of the nation as a whole.


■ Individual Happiness Theory

Why do some people put all their energy into setting goals that are painful to the eye?

Also, do you naturally treat those around you with respect? A theory of happiness with a historical perspective is written.


It is important for each individual to find their own independent desires based on their own sense of values. Over-regulation creates a high-cost structure.


It is almost impossible to live and live without participating in the business field as a huge production system.


We are not servants of corporations, much less merely cogs in the GDP expansion system.


From ancient times before the Middle Ages, as universal values, what the human mind desires the most and wants to achieve even if it means paying the greatest price is these three values.


・Pursue the truth
・Living with a conscience that is close to good intentions
・Pursuing beauty and obtaining sensual pleasure


From an outsider's perspective, it may seem like he is paying a heavy price, but he himself has no hesitation, and rather, he lives a life that allows him to pursue his goals with a sense of fulfillment.


Human beings gain great spiritual richness in return for great energy and effort.

What is valuable for an individual is to accomplish it even if it is difficult.

The amount of money you pay determines the subjective amount of value you get and the degree to which your desires are satisfied.