
Stats of My Life(おいしい人生を味わうために、コツコツとチャレンジしたことを書くブログ)

還暦からの底力ー歴史・人・旅に学ぶ生き方(著者:出口治明 2021年39冊目)ーThe power from the calendar-a way of life learned from history, people, and travel



教養 = 知識 × 考える力 




また、人間の理性を信じる「革新主義」 VS 人間はそこまで賢くない前提で慣習を重視する「保守主義」の考察が面白かったです。








This is the second time I've read this book, but it's a great learning experience.


Liberal Arts = Knowledge x Ability to Think


I understand that without liberal arts, which the author appeals to, leaders in particular can make major misjudgments and sacrifice many.


Also, it was interesting to consider "innovativeism" that believes in human reason VS "conservatism" that emphasizes customs on the premise that humans are not so smart.


I also have a relatively conservative way of thinking, so I often agree with the author's claim.


it's recommended.